The Turkish Flag and the Inspiring Patriotism of its People: Lessons for Nigerians

A letter from the Diaspora By King Wale AdeSanya 


Recently, we mourn the passing of our brother Taiwo Akinkunmi at 87,
 who designed our Nigerian Flag.  

This made me think about how we, Nigerians view our green white green flag.

Flags are powerful symbols of a nation's identity and values. They serve as a rallying point for citizens, instilling a sense of pride and patriotism. One such example is the flag of Turkiye, which represents the country's rich history and the unwavering dedication of its people. Nigerians can draw inspiration from Turkiye's deep-rooted patriotism in bolstering their national unity and identity.

1. The Turkish Flag: 

An Emblem of Strength and Unity:
The Turkish flag, known as 'Alem-i Rüya,' consists of a red field with a white star and crescent in the center. Its design has evolved over the centuries, symbolizing the nation's progress and transformations. The red color represents bravery, while the star and crescent hold multiple interpretations. They signify various elements such as Islam, the Ottoman Empire, and the unity of the Turkish people.

2. Historical Significance: 

The Turkish flag's historical context is vital in understanding the patriotism associated with it. Turkiye has a rich history that spans several empires and civilizations, including the Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Despite facing numerous challenges, the Turkish people have persevered, defending their land, culture, and values. The flag represents this resilience, serving as a reminder of their ancestors' sacrifices and their duty to protect their heritage.

3. Patriotism as a Unifying Force:

Patriotism is deeply ingrained in Turkish society, fostering national unity and a sense of belonging. From a young age, Turkish citizens learn about their history, culture, and the significance of the flag. Schools and educational institutions play a crucial role in instilling love for the country and a sense of duty toward its progress. This unity helps prepare individuals to contribute positively towards their communities and the nation as a whole.

4. Lessons for Nigerians:

Nigeria, like Turkiye, boasts a diverse population with a rich cultural tapestry. However, maintaining a unified sense of patriotism can be a challenge, given the country's vastness and cultural diversity. Nigerians can learn from Turkiye's  of instilling national pride and unity:

A. Education:  Nigeria can place greater emphasis on incorporating national history, cultural heritage, and civic duties into its education system. This would help young Nigerians understand and appreciate the country's past, and present, and their roles in shaping its future.

B. Representation and Inclusion:  Ensuring that all ethnic and cultural groups feel represented and valued is crucial in fostering a sense of patriotism. Celebrating diversity while fostering a shared national identity will help create a stronger bond between Nigerians.

C. National Symbols:  Nigeria's national flag, anthem, and other symbols should be embraced and celebrated as unifying forces. Citizens should be encouraged to display the flag proudly and understand the symbolism behind it.

D. Community Engagement:  Encouraging active citizenship through community service and volunteerism can strengthen Nigeria's fabric. Nigerians can work together to address common challenges, promoting a sense of collective responsibility and patriotism.


The Turkish flag stands as a shining example of how a symbol can ignite immense patriotism and unity amongst its people. Nigerians can learn from Turkey's history, culture, and approach to instilling national pride. By incorporating education, representation, and community engagement, Nigeria can forge a sense of unity and patriotism, fostering a brighter future for the nation. Through adopting these lessons, Nigeria can build a society where citizens are proud of their heritage and work together towards a common purpose.

King Wale AdeSanya is the National Chairman of the Nigerian and Canadian Business Network headquarters in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

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