Istanbul, Turkey and Lagos, Nigeria: Uniqueness and Economic Potential Unveiled

A letter from Diaspora By King Wale AdeSanya


As we return to Istanbul to await more business associates to arrive from Canada, I can see the similarities between Istanbul and Lagos. 

Istanbul, Turkiye, and Lagos, Nigeria, are two dynamic cities that possess a wealth of economic potential. Both cities stand out for their unique characteristics and economic opportunities. This article will examine the distinct features of Istanbul and Lagos, and explore their immense economic potential.

1. Strategic Location and Connectivity:

Istanbul's strategic location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia has played a significant role in its economic prowess. As a key hub for trade and commerce, the city enjoys a prime position for both regional and international business activities. Similarly, Lagos, situated on the West African coast, serves as Nigeria's economic nerve center and gateway to the region. Lagos benefits from its proximity to major international shipping routes, enhancing its trade potential and opening doors to global markets.

2. Diverse Economic Sectors:

Both Istanbul and Lagos boast diverse and thriving economic sectors. Istanbul possesses a well-established financial and banking industry and is home to the Istanbul Stock Exchange. Additionally, the city has a flourishing manufacturing sector, with textile, automotive, and electronics industries driving its economic growth. Lagos, on the other hand, is known as the economic capital of Nigeria and the heart of its financial services and banking sector. The city also possesses a robust entertainment and media industry, as well as a growing technology and startup ecosystem.

3. Business-friendly Environment:

Istanbul and Lagos are proactively working to create business-friendly environments. Istanbul has implemented economic reforms to attract foreign direct investment, such as the introduction of Free Trade Zones and incentives for entrepreneurship. The city's infrastructure development, including modern transportation networks and international airports, further strengthens its appeal. Lagos, too, has been making strides to improve its business climate, with streamlined processes for business registration and investment incentives. The city's commitment to infrastructure development, including the construction of the Lekki Free Trade Zone, positions it as a key player for investment and economic growth in Africa.

4. Thriving Tourism Industries:

Tourism plays a vital role in the economic potential of both Istanbul and Lagos. Istanbul's rich historical and cultural heritage, including iconic sites like the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, draws millions of tourists annually. The city's blend of ancient architecture and modern attractions, coupled with its vibrant nightlife and culinary scene, create a compelling destination for visitors. Lagos, too, possesses a unique appeal with its vibrant markets, beaches, and cultural festivals. The city's booming entertainment industry and arts scene have also contributed to its growing popularity as a tourism hot spot.

5. Entrepreneurship and Innovation:

Istanbul and Lagos foster a spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation. Istanbul has emerged as a regional hub for startups and hosts a range of tech-focused events and initiatives. The city's talented workforce, robust infrastructure, and supportive environment have fueled the growth of numerous successful startups. Similarly, Lagos has a thriving entrepreneurial landscape, with a growing number of startups across sectors such as e-commerce, fintech, and edtech. The city's vibrant ecosystem, access to venture capital, and events like the Lagos Startup Week are catalysts for innovation and economic growth.


Both Istanbul, Turkiye, and Lagos, Nigeria, possess unique characteristics and immense economic potential. Located in strategic positions, these cities benefit from their connectivity, diverse economic sectors, business-friendly environments, thriving tourism industries, and innovation-driven entrepreneurship. As centers of economic activity and cultural significance, Istanbul and Lagos continue to open doors for investment, trade, and development. Unlocking their full potential promises exciting opportunities and growth for both cities and the regions they represent.

King Wale AdeSanya is the National Chairman of the Nigerian and Canadian Business Network in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He can be reached at [email protected] 

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