What you may likely not know about overthrown Niger President, Bazoum

The major contender in Niger 2021 elecetion, Hama Amadou was disqualified from being on the ballot and thereafter jailed.

- Bazoum did not win a majority of vote, he did not meet the constitutional requirement, a run-off election was conducted between the 1st and 2nd, the run-off election had a much lower turnout

- Following the elections, protesters demanded the government resign and the result be recounted. Two people were killed , about 400 arrested during the demonstrations on 25–26 February, 2021 when police fired tear gas at protesters.

- Bazoum’s party, PNDS did not win a majority at the National assembly

- On 31 March, 2021 a coup attempt was launched by dissident soldiers two days before Bazoum's inauguration but was thwarted, leading to the inauguration pushing through on 2 April

- July 2023, Bazoum was deposed from office after a coup d'état led by members of the presidential guard and the armed forces.

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