Taking in is a blessing but circumstances may warrant the avoidance of pregnancy. This may be due to economic hardship or health complications.
Here are three ways to enjoy a safe sex life without pregnancy:
(1) The rhythm method
This method is for a female partner. It requires that you keep tab on your menstrual cycle to know your fertile days and infertile days to plan your sex life.
Menstrual history begins on the first day of menstruation in one month to the first day of menstruation in the following month. Consistently keep count of the number of days in each cycle. These numbers may not be consistent. So take note of the length: longest cycle and the shortest cycle.
To get the first fertile day, subtract 18 days from the total number of days in your shortest cycle. Whatever you have left will be the first day of your fertile day. Say the shortest length of your cycle is 28 days; subtract 18 days and 10 days is left. Start counting 10 days from the first day of your menstruation to day 10. On that day 10, marks the first day of your fertile days.
To track your last fertile day, subtract 11 from the total number of days in your longest cycle. What is left marks the end of your fertile days. Say the longest length of your cycle is 31 days; subtract 11 days and 20 days is left. Start counting 20 days from the first day of your menstruation to day 20. On that day, marks the last day of your fertile days. Use your menstrual history to plan your sex life.
(2)Pull-out method
This method focuses on a male partner. Such partner avoids ejaculation during love making.
(3) Correct use of protection
Besides other contraceptives, such as pills, that may cause cancer in the long run, condom is 95% safe. It is available for both male and female partner
The above do not definitely rule out the possibility of getting pregnant. You can consult your doctor for more advise. Meanwhile, ensure you are with a respectful and trustworthy partner within the ambience and security of marriage.
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