Empowering Africa: Why supporting made in Africa products is crucial

A letter from the Diaspora. 

By King Wale AdeSanya


Enjoying a layover in Casablanca, Morocco, on my way to a month in Turkiye for both business and personal adventures, I am moved to write on the need to support Africa since I just watched two African movies on my last flight from Montreal. 

In recent years, there has been an inspiring rise in the production and promotion of "Made in Africa" products. This movement recognizes the tremendous potential African countries possess to thrive economically, providing employment opportunities, empowering local communities, and transforming the negative perceptions associated with the continent. This article aims to shed light on the importance of supporting home-grown products and the numerous benefits that arise from this initiative.

1. Job Creation and Economic Growth:

By supporting Made in Africa products, individuals can contribute to the growth of home-grown industries, which ultimately leads to job creation. The rise of local businesses translates into increased employment opportunities for the population, reducing unemployment rates and improving the overall economic stability of African countries. This, in turn, allows for the growth of other sectors, increased tax revenues, and a decrease in reliance on foreign aid.

2. Preserving Cultural Heritage:

Made in Africa products represent the richness and diversity of African cultures. By supporting these products, Africans are actively preserving their cultural heritage. Each item carries a unique story, often incorporating traditional craftsmanship, artistry, and indigenous materials. By valuing and purchasing these products, individuals contribute to the preservation of African cultural identity and promote its appreciation both locally and globally.

3. Fostering Entrepreneurship and Innovation:

Supporting local products encourages entrepreneurs and innovators to flourish in their home countries. When individuals see the viability and potential success of Made in Africa products, they are more inspired to launch their businesses, leading to a vibrant entrepreneurial spirit. This not only generates economic growth but also makes Africa more self-sufficient and less reliant on imports from foreign countries.

4. Environmental Stewardship:

Purchasing Made in Africa products like watching a Nollywood Movie while on a plane can contribute to environmentally friendly practices. African manufacturers are increasingly embracing sustainable production techniques, such as using locally sourced materials, reducing waste, and minimizing carbon footprints. By supporting these initiatives, Africans can play a vital role in fostering eco-conscious manufacturing, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment for future generations.

5. Empowering Local Communities:

The success of Made in Africa products/movies directly impacts local communities. Small-scale artisans, craftsmen, and farmers gain opportunities to showcase their skills and talents, allowing them to rise above poverty and support their families. These individuals become role models, inspiring others in their communities to explore their own creative talents and entrepreneurial pursuits. Supporting Made in Africa products empowers these communities and creates a positive ripple effect of economic growth and social upliftment.


Supporting Made in Africa products is an essential step towards Africa's economic empowerment, cultural preservation, and environmental sustainability. By choosing locally made goods and movies, Africans bolster their economies, create employment opportunities, and celebrate their diverse heritage. By embracing these products, Africans can embrace a future that is not only self-sufficient but also proud of its unique identity and contribution to the world. 

Let us come together and support the movement for Made in Africa products, for they truly represent Africa's potential for greatness.

King Wale AdeSanya is the National Chairman of the Nigerian and Canadian Business Network www.ncbn.ca He writes from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  

He can be reached at [email protected] 

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