Harnessing the Power of electricity: lessons from the Industrial revolution for Nigeria's development

by King Wale AdeSanya
A letter from the Diaspora
Dated: August 7th, 2023


Electricity has become an indispensable driving force in the modern world, transforming the way we live, work, and communicate. 

I was very encouraged by what I heard in an interview with Ajuri Ngelale, Special Adviser to the President on the Seamen's deal with the FGN and all the expected deliverables coming online soon concerning Nigeria's electricity issues. 

My recent interview on THE TALK with Jermaine Sanwo-Olu on the JAPA issue has connections to lack of employment which is connected to electricity if we want to revolutionize Nigeria. 

The Industrial Revolution of the late 18th to early 19th centuries brought about unprecedented advancements in various industries, and the role of electricity was pivotal in this revolution. Nigeria, as a developing nation, can draw valuable lessons from the historical significance of electricity during the Industrial Revolution to fuel its own development and propel itself into a more prosperous future.

1. The Role of Electricity in the Industrial Revolution:

The advent of electricity during the Industrial Revolution revolutionized manufacturing processes, transportation systems, and communication networks. It enabled the introduction of machinery and mechanization, replacing manual labor with more efficient and scalable methods of production. This led to increased productivity, mass production, lowered costs, and the overall expansion of industries. Electricity also powered the development of railways, allowing for faster transportation of goods and people, while the telegraph facilitated instantaneous long-distance communication.

2. Gaining Energy Independence:

One crucial lesson Nigeria can learn from the Industrial Revolution is the importance of energy independence. During that era, nations that harnessed and developed their indigenous sources of energy had a significant advantage. Nigeria, with its abundance of natural resources, particularly in oil and gas, has the potential to achieve energy independence. By investing in renewable energy sources such as hydro, solar, wind, and biomass, Nigeria can reduce its dependence on fossil fuels while ensuring a sustainable and clean energy future. Diversifying the energy mix will not only boost economic growth but also enhance energy security and mitigate the environmental impact associated with conventional energy sources.

3. Infrastructure Development:

The Industrial Revolution witnessed massive infrastructural developments, particularly in the areas of electricity generation, transmission, and distribution. Similarly, Nigeria needs to invest in a robust and modern electrification infrastructure to lay the foundation for its industrial growth. This includes expanding the power generation capacity, upgrading the power grid, and rural electrification initiatives. By ensuring accessible and reliable electricity across the country, Nigeria can attract foreign investment, promote technological advancements, and create more job opportunities.

4. Human Capital Development:

The Industrial Revolution demonstrated the need for a skilled workforce capable of adapting to rapidly changing technology and industry demands. Nigeria must prioritize human capital development by investing in quality education and vocational training programs. By equipping its citizens with the necessary skills, Nigeria can foster an innovative and entrepreneurial spirit, driving the country's industrial growth and increasing productivity across sectors.

5. Encouraging Innovation and Research:

During the Industrial Revolution, technological innovation played a fundamental role in driving economic growth. Nigeria can promote innovation and research by fostering collaborations between academia, industries, and the government. Establishing research institutions, providing funding for research and development projects, and creating an environment that encourages technological innovation will facilitate the creation of homegrown solutions to meet the country's specific development challenges.


Nigeria has the opportunity to leverage the transformative power of electricity, just as it played a crucial role during the Industrial Revolution. By prioritizing energy independence, investing in infrastructure, human capital development, and fostering innovation, Nigeria can propel itself into a new era of economic prosperity. By embracing the lessons of the past, Nigeria can chart a sustainable path towards development and create a brighter future for its citizens.

King Wale AdeSanya is the National Chairman of the Nigerian and Canadian Business Network www.ncbn.ca in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He can be reached at [email protected] 

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