Bandits control of 23 LGAs is alarming

Three months into President Bola Tinubu’s administration, insecurity is once more escalating rapidly.

 A report that at least 23 local government areas in three North-West states are currently under the control of bandits underscores the gravity of the situation and harks back to the time terrorists ruled over 27 LGAs across the North-East. The PUNCH reported that farmers and residents in 23 LGAs in Sokoto, Zamfara and Kebbi states have abandoned their farms and communities, fleeing rising bandit criminality. This and other developments reinforce growing public perception that Tinubu is distracted by politics and is misplacing national priorities. He should take security more seriously.

With insecurity, history is repeating itself. In the early months of 2015 and the run-up to the general elections, 27 LGAs in Adamawa, Borno and Yobe states were occupied by Boko Haram Islamic insurgents. There, Boko Haram hoisted its flag, collected tributes/taxes, rendered social services and imposed its harsh version of Sharia law. 

Although these territories were later liberated, parts of them intermittently relapsed into the hands of the Islamists.

Bandits and terrorists are resurgent in many states. In the North-West especially, they are thriving. The PUNCH report named the worst affected LGAs in Sokoto as Isa, Sabon Birni, Gwadabawa, Illela, Tangaza and Goronyo. Not only has this affected farming – the largest of employer of labour in Nigeria and 23 per cent contributor to GDP – residents are migrating en masse to other areas. Several villages have been deserted. The bandits enforce the payment of tributes to farm or harvest crops, collect taxes, kidnap for ransom, and kill randomly.

Among the characteristics of a failed state include loss of sovereignty over territory, and inability to provide the basic functions of statehood. Countries fail, adds Brookings Institution “when they are convulsed by internal violence and can no longer deliver positive political goods to their inhabitants.” Nigeria has been moving dangerously along this path.

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