Rotary Club donates e-library centre for special students

The Rotary club of Ondo Adeyemi ended the Rotary year 2022/2023 with the donation of e-library centre for special students, distribution of food palliatives and eye glasses to virtually impaired and physically challenged students of the College.

The club renovated the building, provided computer sets, with internet facilities and other relevant materials that will be used by the virtually impaired students of the institution.

The event held on 30th of June, 2023 also witnessed the presidential handing over and end of tenure ceremony of the Registrar of the College, Rotarian Olufisayo Fakorede as well as the official commissioning of the e-library centre.

Rotarian Fakorede who presided over the followership of the club held at the School of Languages Board room, said the occasion was a double celebration as it marks the 10th year anniversary of the existence of the club in the College. She gave a brief history of the club, which was chartered in year 2013 and outlined its achievements in the last ten years.

She said “In the last ten years we have recorded landmark achievements including: Tree Planting, Distribution of Palliative items to College Security men, Cleaners, and Grounds men during COVID-19 Pandemic, Bursary Awards to Students, sinking a bore hole at Kiladejo hostel etc. which are the seven areas of focus in Rotary”.

“During the 2021/2022 Rotary year, the club focused on the visually impaired students in the College. We were able to give palliatives to them in every quarter of the year. The idea of the e-library project was also hatched”. She remarked.
The out-going president appreciated other club members for unalloyed support that enable them to achieve the lofty idea, which had earlier been conceived by her predecessor, Rotarian Elizabeth Okoroafor. Fakorede enjoined those who have not join the rotary club to think right by joining in order to impact lives.

In his remark, the Provost of the College, Dr. Samuel Akintunde represented by Dr. Abayomi Olajuyigbe stated that the institution is ready to partner with rotary to sustain the efforts of the club.

 ‘’Going through the past records of the club, we have seen many areas of needs which the club has been able to satisfy for the institution, and the club is eager to do more’’. 

Dr. Olajuyigbe further stated that this is a great development and a welcome idea for Rotary to think of the special students by donating computer sets with internet facilities, relevant materials and also renovate existing building in the institution for this purpose. He also assured the club of maximum security of the items.

In his speech, the Librarian of the institution, Mr. Azino Akpokurerie, appreciated the club members for their donation and investment in this area of needs of the special students. He encouraged the club members to remain united to be able to pursue other goals of the club for the good of humanity. 

The peak of the event was the change of baton between Rot. Olufisayo Fakorede PHF the outgoing president and the new president of the club, Rot. Taiwo Abiola Olaitan, for the rotary year 2023/2024.

The new president of the club promised to continue the good work the club has been doing, while enjoining the existing members to cooperate and intending members not to hesitate to join the club.
Those present at the event were the Chairman Committee of Deans, Dr. Akinbobola Akinyemi Oluwafuminiyi, the president elect of the club, Dr. Tope Oziegbe, who is also the Director of Academic Planning of the institution, College of Education Academic Staff Union (COEASU), representatives, Dr. Musili Odutuyi and Dr. Mattew Lawal; Senior Staff Union of Colleges of Education in Nigeria SSUCOEN representatives, Comrades Joseph Obamoyegun and Cletus Ogwuayo; Narional Association of Colleges of Education Academic Technologists of Nigeria (NACETON) Chairman, Comrade Akindele Akinnate and Non Academic Staff Union (NASU), Chairman and Secretary, Comrade Christiana Obadofin and Comrade Pius Meyanga, Deputy Registrars, Statistics and Records, Mrs. A. K Fajiye, Dean Student Affairs, Mrs. Justina Ogboru, Staff from the Registrar Office, other notable Rotarians from Akure prestige Akure city, Ondo club, former and current Student Union Government(SUG) leaders were also in attendance.

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